Jl. MayJend Soengkono Kp 34,Purbalingga 53371
Email : ec.smega@gmail.com . Blog : ecsmega.blogspot.com
English Club Information :
On Sunday, 18th January 2009 English Club of SMK NEGERI 1 PURBALINGGA hold Vocabulary Game 2009 for Junior High School Student of P urbalingga Regency. This Event present to SMK NEGERI 1 PURBALINGGA and Purbalingga Regency ANNIVERSARRY.
Vocabulary Game have destination as :
1. A activity that give chance for Junior High School Student of Purbalingga Regency to increasing Their experiences.
2. Improve student English skilll.
3. To growing motivation student to competiting in all of time with positif methode.
4. As a Publicating English Club for specialy and SMK N 1 Purbalingga for General.
This event wanted the Champion to get Reward, sertificate, and trophy. So for you Junior High School of Purbalingga Regency prepare your self to be participant in this event and Lets.....
For more information you can visit our base camp on LANGUAGE LAB SMK N 1 PURBALINGGA or you can contact our committe phone number, they are :
Rofiq Adiansyah ( ..........................)
Setiawan Ambudi (.........................)
Mrs Wahyuningsih S.Pd (.........................)