Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008


Debate is an activity of an argument between two or more parties, either individually or in groups, to discuss and decide issues and differences. Formally, the debate is mostly done in the legislative institutions such as parliaments, especially in countries that use the opposition system. In this case, the debate conducted follow clear rules and the outcome of the debate can be generated through a vote or decision of the jury.

Another example, held a formal debate is a debate between candidates for legislative and debates between candidates for president / vice president ahead of general elections.

Competitive debate is a debate in the usual form of the game done in schools and universities. In this case, the debate carried out as a game with rules ("format"), a clear and tight between the two parties, each of which support and oppose a statement. The debate was witnessed by one or several judges appointed to determine the winner of a debate. The winner of the debate is a competitive team that successfully demonstrated the knowledge and ability to debate the better.

Competitive in the education debate

Unlike the real debates in the parliament, competitive debate is not aimed to produce a decision but rather is directed to develop certain abilities among the participants, such as the ability to express opinions in a logical, clear and structured way, listen to different opinions, and foreign language proficiency (if debate conducted in a foreign language).

However, some of the format used in competitive debate based on a formal debate conducted in the parliament. From this came the term "parliamentary debate" as one of the most popular style of competitive debate. There are various parliamentary debate format, each of which has rules and its own organization.

Competitive parliamentary debate championship of the world's most recognized is the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) with the British Parliamentary style at the university level and the World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) for upper secondary school level.

International debating competition generally use English as medium of instruction. No help a translator for any participant. However, several competitions giving special awards to the teams come from countries that use only English as a second language (Bahasa as Second Language - ESL).

Countries that famous debate team including England, Australia, Ireland and the United States. In Asia, countries that are considered relatively strong, among others, the Philippines and Singapore.

Competitive debate in Indonesia

Main article: competitive debate in Indonesia

In Indonesia, debate has begun to develop a competitive, though still dominated by English-language debating competition. Parlementar first championship debate at the university level is Java Overland Varsities Bahasa Debate (JOVED) held in 1997 at the Catholic University of Parahyangan, Bandung, and followed by teams from various regions of P. Java. Debate championship after the first Indonesian Bahasa Indonesian Varsity Debate (IVED) in 1998 at the University of Indonesia. Until now (2006), both competitions are held every year in rotation in different universities.

Since 2001, Indonesia has sent a delegation to the WSDC. Delegates are chosen each year through the Indonesian Schools Debating Championship (ISDC) held by the Ministry of National Education in cooperation with the Association for Critical Thinking (ACT).

Various style of parliamentary debate

In competitive debate, a format set up among other things:

* The number of teams in a single debate
* The number of speakers within a team
* Turn to speak
* Long time allowed for each speaker
* Interruption procedure
* Motions and motions of defining boundaries
* Tasks that are expected from each speaker
* Things that should not be made by the speaker
* The number of jurors in a single debate
* The range of assessment

In addition, various competitions also have different rules regarding:

* Determining the topic of debate (motion) - are given in advance or just a few moments before the debate started (Impromptu)
* Long time to prepare - to debate Impromptu, preparation time ranged from 15 minutes (WUDC) up to 1 hour (WSDC)
* Calculation of the results of matches - some of the debate only use victory points (VP) to determine the rankings, but there are also calculates the difference (margin) the value achieved by both teams or the number of jury votes (eg, for the three-member panel of judges, a team can win 3 -0 or 2-1)
* System competition - the knockout round is usually only used in elimiasi (perdelapan finals, quarter finals, semifinals and finals) in the preliminary round, the system commonly used is the power matching

Parliamentary debate format often uses the terminology commonly used in the actual parliamentary debate:

* Topic of debate is called a motion (motion)
* Affirmative team (who agreed to a motion) are often referred to as the Government (Government), Negative team (who opposed the motion) is called the Opposition (Opposition)
* The first speaker was called in as Prime Minister (Prime Minister), etc.
* Leader / referee the debate (chairperson) called Speaker of the House
* Audience / jury was called Members of the House (Assembly Council Distinguished)
* Interruption called Points of Information (POI)

Australian Parliamentary / Australasian Parliamentary ("Australs")

This debate style used in Australia, but its influence spread to the competitions held in Asia, and eventually referred to as the Australasian Parliamentary format. In this format, two-member team of three men each face in a debate, one team representing the Government (Government) and a team representing the Opposition (Opposition), with the following order:

1. The first speaker, the Government - 7 minutes
2. The first speaker opposition party - 7 minutes
3. Both the Government speakers - 7 minutes
4. The second speaker's opposition party - 7 minutes
5. The third speaker, the Government - 7 minutes
6. The third speaker's opposition party - 7 minutes
7. Opposition parties Closing speech - 5 minutes
8. Closing speech the Government side - 5 minutes

Closing speech (Reply speech) is characteristic of this format. Closing speech delivered by the first or second speaker from each team (no third speaker). Closing speech by Opposition starts first, the new Government.

Motions in this format is given in the form of a statement that must be supported by the Government and opposed by the Opposition parties, for example:

(This House believes that) Globalization and marginalizes the poor.
(Session of the Board believe that) Globalization marginalize the poor.

These motions can be defined by the Government in certain restrictions in order to clarify the debate that will be done. There are rules are quite clear in terms of what should be done as part of the definition and what not to do.

There are no interruptions in this format.

Jury (adjudicator) in Australs format consists of one person or odd numbered panel. In the panel, each juror to give his vote without going through the deliberations. Thus, the panel's decision can be unanimous or split decision.

In Indonesia, this format includes the first known so it is quite popular especially among university. Debating competition in Indonesia using this format is Java Overland Varsities Debate Home (JOVED) and Indonesian Bahasa Varsity Debate (IVED).

Asian Parliamentary ("Asians")

This format is an extension of the format used in the championship Australs and Asian level. The difference with Australs format is that there is an interruption (Points of Information) that may be submitted between 1 minute and 6 (only for major speeches, not on the closing speech). This format is also similar to that used in World Schools Style at WSDC.

In Indonesia, the format used in the ALSA Home Competition (e-Comp) held (almost) every year by the ALSA LC [[University of Indonesia].

British Parliamentary ("BP")

Parliamentary debate style is widely used in England but also popular in many countries, because this is the format used at the world championships WUDC. In this format, four-member team of two people each compete in one debate, two teams representing the Government (Government) and the other two opposition (Opposition), with the following composition:

Opening Government: Opening Opposition:
- Prime Minister - Leader of the Opposition
- Deputy Prime Minister - Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Closing Government: Closing Opposition:
- Member of the Government - Member of the Opposition
- Government Whip - Opposition Whip

The order of speaking is as follows:

1. Prime Minister - 7 minutes
2. Leader of the Opposition - 7 minutes
3. Deputy Prome Minister - 7 minutes
4. Deputy Leader of the Opposition - 7 minutes
5. Member of the Government - 7 minutes
6. Member of the Opposition - 7 minutes
7. Government Whip - 7 minutes
8. Opposition Whip - 7 minutes

Each speaker was given seven minutes to deliver his speech. Between minute 1 and 6, the speaker of the opposite party may file an interruption (Points of Information). If accepted, the requesting interrupt the speaker was given a maximum time of 15 seconds to convey a question that must then be answered by the speaker before continuing his speech earlier.

The jury in the debate, BP could be one person or an odd numbered panel. At the end of the debate, the jury determines the victory of the ranking order of 1 to 4 for the debate. In the panel, his best decisions are taken by consensus. If consensus is not reached, the Chairman of the Panel will make a final decision.

In Indonesia, the format used in the Founder's Trophy competition held by the Community Debates English, University of Indonesia every year.

World Schools format

Tournament format used in the World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) can be regarded as a combination of BP and Australs. Each debate consists of two teams, Proposition and Opposition, consisting of three people each. The order of speeches is as follows:

1. First Proposition Speaker - 8 minutes
2. The first opposition speaker - 8 minutes
3. The second proposition speaker - 8 minutes
4. The second opposition speaker - 8 minutes
5. Third Proposition Speaker - 8 minutes
6. Third Opposition Speaker - 8 minutes
7. Closing speech Opposition - 4 minutes
8. Closing speech Proposition - 4 minutes

Closing speech (reply speech) delivered by the first or second speaker of each team (no third speaker) and was preceded by opposition parties and closed by the Proposition.

Rules for interruption (Points of Information - POI) format similar to BP. POI can only be given between 1 minute and 7th major speech and no POI in the closing speech.

In Indonesia, the format used in the championship Indonesian Schools Debating Championship (ISDC). Some high schools in Indonesia, which once conducted a debate competition also uses this format.

Debate Proposals

In the style of debate for Proposal (Policy Debate), two teams become advocates and opponents of a plan relating to a given debate topic. Topics to be generally about the desired change in policy from the government. Both teams usually play a role Affirmative (supporting the proposal) and negative (against the proposal). In practice, most events of this type of debate has only the same topic that is valid for a full year or during any other period that has been set.

When compared with the parliamentary debate, the debate over a proposal to rely on the results of research on the supporting facts (evidence). This debate also has a broader perception of the argument. For example, an alternative proposal (counterplan) which makes the main proposal to be not needed can be an argument in this debate. Although the rhetoric is also important and influence the value of each speaker, the winner of each round is generally based on who has "won" the argument in accordance with the supporting facts and logic are given. As a consequence, judges sometimes take a long time to make decisions because of all the supporting facts must be checked first.

In the United States, the debate proposal is the type of debate which is more popular than parliamentary debate. This activity has also tried to be developed in Europe and Japan and joined the force this debate affects other forms of debate. In the U.S., high school debate proposal held by the NFL and NCFL. At the university level, the debate was organized by the National Debate Tournament (NDT), Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA), the National Educational Debate Association, and the Great Plains Forensic Conference.

Debate Proposals consists of two teams each consisting of two people in every debate. Each speaker brought two speeches, one constructive speech (8 or 9 minutes), which contains new arguments and a rebuttal speech (4, 5, or 6 minutes), which may not contain new arguments but may contain new facts to help support rebuttal. Usually, after every constructive speech, the opposition is given the opportunity to conduct cross-examination (cross-examination) of the speech. Every issue that is not addressed by the opponent are considered acceptable in debate. The jury carefully record all statements made in a round (often called a flow).

In Indonesia, the format of this debate has not been popular and there has been no regular competition is using it.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate

This debate-style name was taken from the famous debates ever conducted in the United States Senate between the two candidates for Lincoln and Douglas. Each style of debate was followed by two pedebat who fought one another.

The argument in this debate centered on the philosophy and values are abstract, so often referred to as the debate the value (value debate). LD debate is less emphasis on supporting facts (evidence) and prefer the logic and explanation.

In Indonesia, the format of this debate has not been popular and there has been no regular competition is using it.
Debat adalah kegiatan adu argumentasi antara dua pihak atau lebih, baik secara perorangan maupun kelompok, dalam mendiskusikan dan memutuskan masalah dan perbedaan. Secara formal, debat banyak dilakukan dalam institusi legislatif seperti parlemen, terutama di negara-negara yang menggunakan sistem oposisi. Dalam hal ini, debat dilakukan menuruti aturan-aturan yang jelas dan hasil dari debat dapat dihasilkan melalui voting atau keputusan juri.

Contoh lain debat yang diselenggarakan secara formal adalah debat antar kandidat legislatif dan debat antar calon presiden/wakil presiden yang umum dilakukan menjelang pemilihan umum.

Debat kompetitif adalah debat dalam bentuk permainan yang biasa dilakukan di tingkat sekolah dan universitas. Dalam hal ini, debat dilakukan sebagai pertandingan dengan aturan ("format") yang jelas dan ketat antara dua pihak yang masing-masing mendukung dan menentang sebuah pernyataan. Debat disaksikan oleh satu atau beberapa orang juri yang ditunjuk untuk menentukan pemenang dari sebuah debat. Pemenang dari debat kompetitif adalah tim yang berhasil menunjukkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan debat yang lebih baik.

Debat kompetitif dalam pendidikan

Tidak seperti debat sebenarnya di parlemen, debat kompetitif tidak bertujuan untuk menghasilkan keputusan namun lebih diarahkan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan-kemampuan tertentu di kalangan pesertanya, seperti kemampuan untuk mengutarakan pendapat secara logis, jelas dan terstruktur, mendengarkan pendapat yang berbeda, dan kemampuan berbahasa asing (bila debat dilakukan dalam bahasa asing).

Namun demikian, beberapa format yang digunakan dalam debat kompetitif didasarkan atas debat formal yang dilakukan di parlemen. Dari sinilah muncul istilah "debat parlementer" sebagai salah satu gaya debat kompetitif yang populer. Ada berbagai format debat parlementer yang masing-masing memiliki aturan dan organisasinya sendiri.

Kejuaraan debat kompetitif parlementer tingkat dunia yang paling diakui adalah World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) dengan gaya British Parliamentary di tingkat universitas dan World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) untuk tingkat sekolah menengah atas.

Kompetisi debat bertaraf internasional umumnya menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai pengantar. Tidak ada bantuan penerjemah bagi peserta manapun. Namun demikian, beberapa kompetisi memberikan penghargaan khusus kepada tim yang berasal dari negara-negara yang hanya menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (English as Second Language - ESL).

Negara-negara yang terkenal dengan tim debatnya antara lain Inggris, Australia, Irlandia, dan Amerika Serikat. Di Asia, negara yang dianggap relatif kuat antara lain Filipina dan Singapura.

Debat kompetitif di Indonesia

Artikel Utama: Debat kompetitif di Indonesia

Di Indonesia, debat kompetitif sudah mulai berkembang, walaupun masih didominasi oleh kompetisi debat berbahasa Inggris. Kejuaraan debat parlementar pertama di tingkat universitas adalah Java Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED) yang diselenggarakan tahun 1997 di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, dan diikuti oleh tim-tim dari berbagai wilayah di P. Jawa. Kejuaraan debat se-Indonesia yang pertama adalah Indonesian Varsity English Debate (IVED) 1998 di Universitas Indonesia. Hingga kini (2006), kedua kompetisi tersebut diselenggarakan setiap tahun secara bergilir di universitas yang berbeda.

Sejak 2001, Indonesia telah mengirimkan delegasi ke WSDC. Delegasi tersebut dipilih setiap tahunnya melalui Indonesian Schools Debating Championship (ISDC) yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional bekerjasama dengan Association for Critical Thinking (ACT).

Berbagai gaya debat parlementer

Dalam debat kompetitif, sebuah format mengatur hal-hal antara lain:

* jumlah tim dalam satu debat
* jumlah pembicara dalam satu tim
* giliran berbicara
* lama waktu yang disediakan untuk masing-masing pembicara
* tatacara interupsi
* mosi dan batasan-batasan pendefinisian mosi
* tugas yang diharapkan dari masing-masing pembicara
* hal-hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh pembicara
* jumlah juri dalam satu debat
* kisaran penilaian

Selain itu, berbagai kompetisi juga memiliki aturan yang berbeda mengenai:

* penentuan topik debat (mosi) - apakah diberikan jauh hari sebelumnya atau hanya beberapa saat sebelum debat dimulai (impromptu)
* lama waktu persiapan - untuk debat impromptu, waktu persiapan berkisar antara 15 menit (WUDC) hingga 1 jam (WSDC)
* perhitungan hasil pertandingan - beberapa debat hanya menggunakan victory point (VP) untuk menentukan peringkat, namun ada juga yang menghitung selisih (margin) nilai yang diraih kedua tim atau jumlah vote juri (mis. untuk panel beranggotakan 3 juri, sebuah tim bisa menang 3-0 atau 2-1)
* sistem kompetisi - sistem gugur biasanya hanya digunakan dalam babak elimiasi (perdelapan final, perempat final, semifinal dan final); dalam babak penyisihan, sistem yang biasa digunakan adalah power matching

Format debat parlementer sering menggunakan peristilahan yang biasa dipakai di debat parlemen sebenarnya:

* topik debat disebut mosi (motion)
* tim Afirmatif (yang setuju terhadap mosi) sering disebut juga Pemerintah (Government), tim Negatif (yang menentang mosi) disebut Oposisi (Opposition)
* pembicara pertama dipanggil sebagai Perdana Menteri (Prime Minister), dan sebagainya
* pemimpin/wasit debat (chairperson) dipanggil Speaker of The House
* penonton/juri dipanggil Members of the House (Sidang Dewan yang Terhormat)
* interupsi disebut Points of Information (POI)

Australian Parliamentary/Australasian Parliamentary ("Australs")

Gaya debat ini digunakan di Australia, namun pengaruhnya menyebar hingga ke kompetisi-kompetisi yang diselenggarakan di Asia, sehingga akhirnya disebut sebagai format Australasian Parliamentary. Dalam format ini, dua tim beranggotakan masing-masing tiga orang berhadapan dalam satu debat, satu tim mewakili Pemerintah (Government) dan satu tim mewakili Oposisi (Opposition), dengan urutan sebagai berikut:

1. Pembicara pertama pihak Pemerintah - 7 menit
2. Pembicara pertama pihak Oposisi - 7 menit
3. Pembicara kedua pihak Pemerintah - 7 menit
4. Pembicara kedua pihak Oposisi - 7 menit
5. Pembicara ketiga pihak Pemerintah - 7 menit
6. Pembicara ketiga pihak Oposisi - 7 menit
7. Pidato penutup pihak Oposisi - 5 menit
8. Pidato penutup pihak Pemerintah - 5 menit

Pidato penutup (Reply speech) menjadi ciri dari format ini. Pidato penutup dibawakan oleh pembicara pertama atau kedua dari masing-masing tim (tidak boleh pembicara ketiga). Pidato penutup dimulai oleh Oposisi terlebih dahulu, baru Pemerintah.

Mosi dalam format ini diberikan dalam bentuk pernyataan yang harus didukung oleh pihak Pemerintah dan ditentang oleh Pihak Oposisi, contoh:

(This House believes that) Globalization marginalizes the poor.
(Sidang Dewan percaya bahwa) Globalisasi meminggirkan masyarakat miskin.

Mosi tersebut dapat didefinisikan oleh pihak Pemerintah dalam batasan-batasan tertentu dengan tujuan untuk memperjelas debat yang akan dilakukan. Ada aturan-aturan yang cukup jelas dalam hal apa yang boleh dilakukan sebagai bagian dari definisi dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan.

Tidak ada interupsi dalam format ini.

Juri (adjudicator) dalam format Australs terdiri atas satu orang atau satu panel berjumlah ganjil. Dalam panel, setiap juri memberikan voting-nya tanpa melalui musyawarah. Dengan demikian, keputusan panel dapat bersifat unanimous ataupun split decision.

Di Indonesia, format ini termasuk yang pertama kali dikenal sehingga cukup populer terutama di kalangan universitas. Kompetisi debat di Indonesia yang menggunakan format ini adalah Java Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED) dan Indonesian Varsity English Debate (IVED).

Asian Parliamentary ("Asians")

Format ini merupakan pengembangan dari format Australs dan digunakan dalam kejuaraan tingkat Asia. Perbedaannya dengan format Australs adalah adanya interupsi (Points of Information) yang boleh diajukan antara menit ke-1 dan ke-6 (hanya untuk pidato utama, tidak pada pidato penutup). Format ini juga mirip dengan World Schools Style yang digunakan di WSDC.

Di Indonesia, format ini digunakan dalam ALSA English Competition (e-Comp) yang diselenggarakan (hampir) setiap tahun oleh ALSA LC [[Universitas Indonesia].

British Parliamentary ("BP")

Gaya debat parlementer ini banyak dipakai di Inggris namun juga populer di banyak negara, sebab format inilah yang digunakan di kejuaraan dunia WUDC. Dalam format ini, empat tim beranggotakan masing-masing dua orang bertarung dalam satu debat, dua tim mewakili Pemerintah (Government) dan dua lainnya Oposisi (Opposition), dengan susunan sebagai berikut:

Opening Government: Opening Opposition:
- Prime Minister - Leader of the Opposition
- Deputy Prime Minister - Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Closing Government: Closing Opposition:
- Member of the Government - Member of the Opposition
- Government Whip - Opposition Whip

Urutan berbicara adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Prime Minister - 7 menit
2. Leader of the Opposition - 7 menit
3. Deputy Prome Minister - 7 menit
4. Deputy Leader of the Opposition - 7 menit
5. Member of the Government - 7 menit
6. Member of the Opposition - 7 menit
7. Government Whip - 7 menit
8. Opposition Whip - 7 menit

Setiap pembicara diberi waktu 7 menit untuk menyampaikan pidatonya. Di antara menit ke-1 dan ke-6, pembicara dari pihak lawan dapat mengajukan interupsi (Points of Information). Bila diterima, pembicara yang mengajukan permintaan interupsi tadi diberikan waktu maksimal 15 detik untuk menyampaikan sebuah pertanyaan yang kemudian harus dijawab oleh pembicara tadi sebelum melanjutkan pidatonya.

Juri dalam debat BP bisa satu orang atau satu panel berjumlah ganjil. Di akhir debat, juri menentukan urutan kemenangan dari peringkat 1 sampai 4 untuk debat tersebut. Dalam panel, keputusan sebisanya diambil berdasarkan mufakat. Bila mufakat tidak tercapai, Ketua Panel akan membuat keputusan terakhir.

Di Indonesia, format ini digunakan dalam kompetisi Founder's Trophy yang diselenggarakan oleh Komunitas Debat Bahasa Inggris Universitas Indonesia setiap tahun.

Format World Schools

Format yang digunakan dalam turnamen World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) dapat dianggap sebagai kombinasi BP dan Australs. Setiap debat terdiri atas dua tim, Proposisi dan Oposisi, beranggotakan masing-masing tiga orang. Urutan pidato adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pembicara pertama Proposisi - 8 menit
2. Pembicara pertama Oposisi - 8 menit
3. Pembicara kedua Proposisi - 8 menit
4. Pembicara kedua Oposisi - 8 menit
5. Pembicara ketiga Proposisi - 8 menit
6. Pembicara ketiga Oposisi - 8 menit
7. Pidato penutup Oposisi - 4 menit
8. Pidato penutup Proposisi - 4 menit

Pidato penutup (reply speech) dibawakan oleh pembicara pertama atau kedua masing-masing tim (tidak boleh pembicara ketiga) dan didahului oleh pihak Oposisi dan ditutup oleh pihak Proposisi.

Aturan untuk interupsi (Points of Information - POI) mirip dengan format BP. POI hanya dapat diberikan antara menit ke-1 dan ke-7 pidato utama dan tidak ada POI dalam pidato penutup.

Di Indonesia, format ini digunakan dalam kejuaraan Indonesian Schools Debating Championship (ISDC). Beberapa SMU di Indonesia yang pernah mengadakan kompetisi debat juga menggunakan format ini.

Debat Proposal

Dalam gaya Debat Proposal (Policy Debate), dua tim menjadi penganjur dan penentang sebuah rencana yang berhubungan dengan topik debat yang diberikan. Topik yang diberikan umumnya mengenai perubahan kebijakan yang diinginkan dari pemerintah. Kedua tim biasanya memainkan peran Afirmatif (mendukung proposal) dan Negatif (menentang proposal). Pada prakteknya, kebanyakan acara debat tipe ini hanya memiliki satu topik yang sama yang berlaku selama setahun penuh atau selama jangka waktu lainnya yang sudah ditetapkan.

Bila dibandingkan dengan debat parlementer, debat proposal lebih mengandalkan pada hasil riset atas fakta-fakta pendukung (evidence). Debat ini juga memiliki persepsi yang lebih luas mengenai argumen. Misalnya, sebuah proposal alternatif (counterplan) yang membuat proposal utama menjadi tidak diperlukan dapat menjadi sebuah argumen dalam debat ini. Walaupun retorika juga penting dan ikut mempengaruhi nilai setiap pembicara, pemenang tiap babak umumnya didasari atas siapa yang telah "memenangkan" argumen sesuai dengan fakta pendukung dan logika yang diberikan. Sebagai konsekuensinya, juri kadang-kadang membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mengambil keputusan karena semua fakta pendukung harus diperiksa terlebih dahulu.

Di Amerika Serikat, Debat Proposal adalah tipe debat yang lebih populer dibandingkan debat parlementer. Kegiatan ini juga telah dicoba dikembangkan di Eropa dan Jepang dan gaya debat ini ikut mempengaruhi bentuk-bentuk debat lain. Di AS, Debat Proposal tingkat SMU diselenggarakan oleh NFL dan NCFL. Di tingkat universitas, debat ini diselenggarakan oleh National Debate Tournament (NDT), Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA), National Educational Debate Association, dan Great Plains Forensic Conference.

Debat Proposal terdiri atas dua tim beranggotakan masing-masing dua orang dalam tiap debatnya. Setiap pembicara membawakan dua pidato, satu pidato konstruktif (8 atau 9 menit) yang berisi argumen-argumen baru dan satu pidato sanggahan (4, 5, atau 6 menit) yang tidak boleh berisi argumen baru namun dapat berisi fakta pendukung baru untuk membantu sanggahan. Biasanya, sehabis setiap pidato konstruktif, pihak lawan diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan silang (cross-examination) atas pidato tersebut. Setiap isu yang tidak ditanggapi oleh pihak lawan dianggap sudah diterima dalam debat. Dewan juri secara seksama mencatat semua pernyataan yang dibuat dalam suatu babak (sering disebut flow).

Di Indonesia, format debat ini belum populer dan belum ada kompetisi reguler yang menggunakannya.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Nama gaya debat ini diambil dari debat-debat terkenal yang pernah dilakukan di Senat Amerika Serikat antara kedua kandidat Lincoln dan Douglas. Setiap debat gaya ini diikuti oleh dua pedebat yang bertarung satu sama lain.

Argumen dalam debat ini terpusat pada filosofi dan nilai-nilai abstrak, sehingga sering disebut sebagai debat nilai (value debate). Debat LD kurang menekankan pada fakta pendukung (evidence) dan lebih mengutamakan logika dan penjelasan.

Di Indonesia, format debat ini belum populer dan belum ada kompetisi reguler yang menggunakannya.


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